Health Curriculum
The new health education TEKS will be effective on August 1, 2022, and will be implemented in classrooms beginning with the 2022–2023 school year. Currently, the new Health TEKS are in draft form and can be found in this document.

Grades K-5 Quaver
QuaverEd's latest online curriculum is Health and PE! Their curriculum meets 100% of the 2022 Health and PE TEKS. With an innovative approach to Health and PE instruction, QuaverEd's digital curriculum is standards-aligned and packed with extensive content.
You can check out more information on QuaverEd's website @
Bowie ISD will be implementing the ESTEEM curriculum beginning the 2022-2023 school year for grades 6-10. ESTEEM helps to improve student awareness of, and tendency toward, making healthy decisions. The more teens are aware of the dangers and consequences of risky behaviors, the more prepared they will be to avoid such situations. ESTEEM takes students on a journey to develop their goals and dreams. The ESTEEM curriculum adheres to 100% of the Health Texas Education Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and was created through the collaborative efforts of Texas educators, counselors, coaches, and nurses - as well as parents and teens.
All of our campus counselors, nurses, SROs, and teachers who will directly teach the subject matter have been trained in this program.
ESTEEM is a peer-reviewed curriculum that teaches the same core topics in an age-appropriate manner. According to the TEKS, each successive grade level increases in content depth, detail, and vocabulary word usage. Grades include 6th, 7th, 8th, and High School.
Workbook A (taken home to parents/guardians after completion)
Lesson 1: Personal health- Eleven body systems
Lesson 2: Physical health and Hygiene-health literacy, communicable and non-communicable disease
Lesson 3: Healthy eating & physical activity- major nutrients, food label, physical basics
Lesson 4: Healthy eating, dietary choices, injury prevention, first aid, CPR
Lesson 5: Goals - career choices, internal/external factors, success sequence, distractions, overcoming
Lesson 6: Communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution steps, apology/timeout steps
Lesson 7: Mental health, brain development, depression, refusal skills, resiliency, personal boundaries
Lesson 8: Relationships, friends, dating, end unhealthy relationships, positive peer influence, bullying
Lesson 9: Substance/addiction, vaping, opioids, fentanyl, brain development, treatment, peer influence
Workbook B Parent Permission form needed.
Lesson 10: Puberty, emotional/physical changes, brain/human/fetal development, reproduction
Lesson 11: Teen pregnancy, abstinence, STIs, emotional consequences, avoidance- benefits, family support
Lesson 12: Laws, abuse/reporting, gangs, weapons, trafficking, safety plan, family/dating violence
Lesson 13: Media influence, social media, sexting, pornography, cyberbullying, online trafficking
Lesson 14: Goals review, dating/marriage, benefits of waiting, success sequence, character contracts
The curriculum has 14 lessons. Click the following link for a look into the sample workbooks.
For specific Grade-level Scope and Sequence with Lesson details, click here.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's campus counselor or Lee Ann Farris, Assistant Superintendent, at 940-689-2869 for further information.
Parent Resources