Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)


The Texas Legislature created the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) as part of House Bill 3 to help recruit, retain, and reward effective educators in the classroom at high-needs campuses. The TIA would provide additional funding to eligible teachers who earn local designations through this allotment system. Bowie ISD has applied to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to participate in this process.

The Bowie ISD TIA stakeholders committee met several times throughout the year. There were also multiple general awareness meetings, guidance from Region 9, and sub-group meetings before submitting an application in April of 2024. The District has an approved TEA Cohort G TIA application and will submit teachers for designation Fall of 2025. The district will continue to meet with stakeholders and campus experts to refine our local designation system to include additional teachers in an expansion application in spring 2025.


Designations are distinctions awarded to highly effective teachers. TIA established three levels of designation: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. Designations are awarded to teachers either through their district’s local designation system or by achieving National Board Certification. Teachers with an active National Board certification may be designated as Recognized be the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Once a teacher is designated, they may generate an annual allotment for their employing school district based on their campus of employment for five continuous years.

Bowie ISD TIA Overview for the 24-25 School Year

TEACHER INCENTIVE ALLOTMENT BOWIE A BUILT What Bowie ISD Teachers Need to Know SAFETY PERFORMANCE ENGAGEMENT COLLABORATION BISO What is TIA? Three Levels of Designation + Funds RECOGNIZED $6000 EXEMPLARY $12,000 MASTER $22,000 The Teacher Incentive Allotment(TIA) provides an accessible pathway for effective teachers to earn a higher income while remaining in the classroom. Teacher Incentive Allotments are additional state funding for teachers that was written into statute-allowing for sustainable funding. There are no caps on teacher designations or allotment funds. For more information about Bowie ISD plans for TIA, contact: Lee Ann Farris at leeann.farris@bowieisd.net (Average Campus Allotment) 90% Of Funds Go To Teachers The Bowie ISD-TIA spending plan will spend 90% of the incentive allotment to the designated teacher and will retain 10% of allotment funds may be used to support the designation system, to support teachers in getting designated, and/or to support teachers wishing to pursue National Board Certification. Which assignments are included? Headstart/PreK-2 3-8 Math and Reading 5th & 8th Grade Science and 8th Grade Social Studies EOC Teachers - Alg 1, Biology, Eng I, Eng II, US History K-12 SPED Resource Reading and Math K-8 Dyslexia/MTSS-RTI/GT Pull Out K-5 PE All other teachers are eligible through National Board Certification and will be considered in the 24-25 expansion year. How are designations earned? Teachers in eligible areas may earn a TIA designation based on the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expected growth measures as annually determined by the district-selected growth measure coupled with the T-TESS Domains 2 and 3 average. All dimensions in Domains 2 and 3 must be scored proficient or above. Any dimension scored below proficient automatically disqualifies the candidate for designation consideration. Refer to the TIA local Designation Matrix. Teachers not eligible for our first submission as listed above may earn a recognized designation by successfully completing National Board Certification.