Mark your calendars with these important BISD events!
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
22-23 Save the Dates
BISD invites all students and families to our 3rd Annual Back to School Fair. This event provides, supplies, information, online registration help, community organizations, and fun for the kids!
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
Back to School Fair
Registering for the 23-24 school year is approaching soon. There will be more information closer to July 14th on the steps to completing the online process. Stay tuned!
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
23-24 online registration
When we tell you we have a great AP at BJH, we are telling no lies! Mr. Childress “won” the Kiss the Pig PASS fundraiser last week. He was a great sport and even got the runner up Mrs.Childs involved in the action! Thank you PASS for providing the pig and allowing our kids to have a bit of fun while raising funds for student needs.
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
baby pig with a bright bow
woman kissing baby pig
The BJH 6th Grade Band, White Band and Choir all earned Division One ratings at the Epic Waters Music Festival today. Super proud of these kids.
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
large group of students outside smiling for group photo
The words that are written here won’t do justice to the effort and care that these two women put into their jobs. Shannon Hanks is the recipient of the 2023 BJH Unsung Hero Award. She works as a paraprofessional in our Life Skills classroom. She has exceptional patience and a caring spirit when working with her students and is able to help them discover growth and confidence as they experience junior high. Rachel Wesley is the 2023 BJH Teacher of the Year. She works as our advanced math teacher and is also a campus mentor teacher. Mrs. Wesley maintains a classroom with high expectations and in turn has one of great results. She not only is a leader in her classroom, but is also a mentor to her peers. She embraces her role of an instructional mentor and makes herself available to teachers both with and without teaching experience to help improve instruction and collaboration on our campus. We are very thankful that these two women choose to make #ourhouse their home.
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
2 women holding vase of flowers
2 women holding vase of flowers
What a great week last week was for the staff and students at BJH!
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
group of students and teacher standing in hallway smiling
Tonight was our NJHS induction for the Class of 2028. They have big shoes to fill as the current 8th grade class has upheld the pillars of the organization well. I was a very proud principal this evening. Bright kids and brighter futures ahead for them all! Also a big thank you to Mrs. Zimmerman, NJHS sponsor, for a great ceremony.
about 1 year ago, Bowie ISD
group of students on stage holding packets standing for group photo